Admission Arrangements

Is you child due to start reception in September 2025? If you would like to visit us, please call the school office - 01384 818405.
At Maidensbridge, we follow Dudley Local Authority Admissions Policy. All parents must apply directly to the Local Authority for admissions into the Reception Class and any in-year transfers from Local Authority Schools. We are a single entry school with classes from Reception to Year 6. Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is for Reception children (age 4 - 5 years). This area of the curriculum is known as the EYFS.
In Dudley, children start primary school the September after their 4th birthday. The law states all children must start school by the beginning of the term after their 5th birthday. For all school admissions we recommend that you apply online, this means that you receive your decision via email. There are no catchment areas within Dudley. However, places are offered according to the admissions criteria detailed within their booklet 'A parents guide to primary admissions.'
Sometimes your child may need to start or change school at a different time of year. Dudley LA are responsible for co-ordinating applications for all school places in the Dudley borough with the exception of children with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). In this instance, you will need to contact the Special Education Needs Team.
If you are considering a place at Maidensbridge Primary, we always welcome parents and children to come and visit our wonderful school. To arrange a visit or ask a question about the process, please call the school office on 01384 818405.
Any parent who wishes to apply for in-year school place can call Dudley MBC Admissions Team (0300 5552345) or go online at
Reception Intake - Is it time for your little one to go to school? Click the link below to find out what you need to know before you apply for a place, how and when to apply and further information on Primary School admissions.
School admissions are open each year for you to apply online for both primary and secondary attendance for the following year. Secondary applications can be made from 1st September, Primary applications from 1st October. Apply here for a school place.