
2024 Celebrations
Due to having so many rewards that we want to share with the children, we have a Praise Assembly every 3 weeks. This allows us to have
Celebration Assemblies for two weeks, where as a school we give out all the different rewards such as:
- House points are awarded in books and given verbally for instant praise.
- Class prizes set up by class teachers, stickers, stamps and well done!
- Show and Tell for KS1.
- Accelerated Reader certificates for recognition of reading for Year 2 upwards.
- Mathematician of the week.
- Times Table Rockstars certificates for commitment to improving times tables at home.
- Century certificates for children showing commitment to homework.
- Recognition in assembly for representing the school as part of a team or individually.
- ‘Good to be Green’ reward time each week for keeping your card green all week (or only receiving a warning/1 yellow card).
- Playground leader award for excellent team player skills on the playground and working together.
- House team reward each term for the winning House with the most house points collected.
- SCARF award each half term for recognition of always demonstrating our school values.
- 100% attendance termly and at the end of the year.
- Praise award every 3 weeks and afternoon tea with Mrs Thomas, nominated by the class teacher for excellence. (Progress/behaviour/attainment/school values)
On the 3rd week we will invite parents to share our Praise Assembly, which will focus on the children selected by their teachers.
2023 Celebrations

Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week.
Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week.
Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week.

Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week.
Autumn Term 2022 Celebrations

Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week. (2/12/22)

Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week. (25/11/22)

Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week. (18/11/22)

Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week. (11/11/22)

Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week. (04/11/22)

Well done to all children for being nominated by their teachers this week. (21/10/22)

Well done to Georgia, Alfie, Jacob, Bella, Summer, Harry and Rueben for being nominated by their teachers this week. (14/10/22)

Well done to Jake, Connor, Ava-Grace, Alex, Cassidy and Janai for being nominated by their teachers this week. (07/10/22)

Well done to Logan, Cameron, Oscar, Marnee, Maiya and Phoebe for being nominated by their teachers this week. (30/09/22)

Well done to Edward, Lois, Lexie, Rose, Aman, Lucas and Keaton for being nominated by their teachers this week. (23/09/22)

Well done to Jessie, Brody, Archie, Harvey, Isabella and Jack for being nominated by their teachers this week. (16/09/22)
Summer Term 2022 Celebrations

Well done to Leo, Annabelle, Elsie, Lucas, and Oscar for being nominated by their teachers this week. (24/6/22)

Well done to Ethan, Jacob, Bertie, William, Tilly, Kelsie and Lottie for being nominated by their teachers this week. (17/6/22)

Well done to Phoebe, Ollie, Zachary, Isabella, Leah and Kate for being nominated by their teachers this week. (9/6/22)
Well done to Summer, Harrison, Dexter, Jameson, Harry and Oliver for being nominated by their teachers this week.
Well done to Evie, Kara, Elsie, Zayaan, Ellie and Reeve for being nominated by their teachers this week. (6/5/22)
Spring Term 2022 Celebrations

Well done to Finn, Jacob, Mason, Esther, Ben, Rebecca and Charlie for being nominated by their teachers this week. (01/04/22)

Well done to Jack, Alexis, Isla, Holly and Findlay for being nominated by their teachers this week. (25/03/22)

Well done to Reuben, Eliza, Harry, Jenson, Thomas and Jack for being nominated by their teachers this week. (18/03/22)