Vision and Values

We are a school with heart, that has high expectations and adds colour to our children's lives in the pursuit of excellence for all.
We are an inclusive school, using the principles of Nurture to ensure all of our children can be successful in their learning. We pride ourselves on the pastoral support we give to our children, helping them to overcome barriers that will allow them to be the best version of themselves.

High Expectations:
We have high expectations of all our children; they will feel challenged at all levels and this will help them to build resilience and feel successful. These high expectations are also seen in our children's excellent behaviour and attitude to learning.

Add Colour:
Our children will experience forest school and cooking every term in every year group. These skills are prioritised on our timetable to build the cultural capital that our children need to be successful, happy adults. Our children also have the opportunity to be leaders of Maidensbridge, further adding important life skills such as debate, evaluation, teamwork and giving them the confidence to make change in their lives.

Excellence For All:
Our curriculum is sourced from experts for each subject, making sure the children have access to excellence in all areas. Each subject is planned with high expectations of subject specific knowledge, varied opportunities and experiences to inspire our learners and allow them to grow a passion for the subjects that they will continue to study later in their educational journey.

The learning and promotion of PSHE & Relationships Education and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development) is embedded across the whole school. Children are in classes with a teacher who is responsible for their pastoral care and will address any issues as they arise such as supporting pupils to develop feelings of self respect, self-esteem and general well-being. This helps them take responsibility for their actions and understand the consequences of their actions and the world around them. The Fundamental British Values are also actively promoted in the school.
In Reception to Year Six, the children have a dedicated weekly timetabled PSHE & Relationships lesson. However, the teaching of PSHE and Relationships Education is not in isolation. There are cross-curricular links with other subjects e.g PE, Science (STEM), Religious Education, ICT and Maths.
All staff working at Maidensbridge are aware that they help and support the learning and teaching of PSHE & Relationships Education. Staff must be good role-models to our pupils. Learning and the development of self-esteem, health and relationships do not just take place through the taught curriculum, but through all aspects of school life including playtimes, assemblies, visits, art, music events and sporting activities.
The progressive nature of PSHE and Citizenship means that topics are revisited regularly and are built upon each year as the child advances through the school. We use many resources and relevant safe sites on the internet such as Newsround but predominantly the SCARF Coram Life Education scheme (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) is used. This provides a whole-school approach which includes mental health and well being and is mapped to the PSHE Association programme of study. The programme follows a spiral curriculum of half-termly topics (Me and My Relationships, Valuing Difference, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights and Responsibilities, Being My Best, Growing and Changing) which are built upon each year as the child progresses through the school.
Each term we celebrate a child in each class who shows our school values. They are awarded with a SCARF badge to wear proudly on their uniform.
To see who has won this term, please see our SCARF page.