I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Maidensbridge Primary School. It is a privilege to work with a very special community of staff, parents and governors, who all work extremely hard together with the children and families at the heart of every thing they do.
We are a school with heart and high expectations that leads to excellence for all.
Maidensbridge is a small, friendly and caring school with committed and hardworking staff, very supportive parents and dedicated governors. The last OFSTED inspection in September 2022 judged that Maidensbridge is a GOOD school in all areas and described our school as; a calm, safe and friendly place in which to work and learn. Staff and pupils say that they enjoy being here. Across the school, there are many smiles and much cheerful chatter. There is a supportive team spirit and leaders set high standards for others to follow.
Maidensbridge is placed within extensive grounds and has a beautiful perspective over fields and green spaces which provides our pupils with a spacious, natural environment in which to develop, learn and play. Part of this green space contains an established Forest School area which boasts an outdoor classroom, fire pit and cob oven for all children to access.
Our school values underpin everything that we do and are rooted in our PSHE curriculum, through the word SCARF. The children know that this stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. These are vital learning skills, that here at Maidensbridge we strive to be good at every day so that we can all be successful adults in the world.
Mrs K Thomas