This academic year Year 3 have been part of a pen pal project with schools in Sierra Leone which has been run by Dudley Zoo. As part of this project the zoo has invited us for a day trip there which will include a workshop run by zookeepers to learn more about chimpanzees. This is being offered for free to schools that have taken part in the project so the cost of the visit will be £15 to cover the transport to the zoo and back. We will be visiting the zoo on Tuesday 25th February.  
On the day, children will need to come into school at normal time in their school uniform with a packed lunch, snack, drinks and a coat. Children will be back in time for the end of the school day and will be dismissed as normal. 
Children are allowed to bring a maximum of £5 to spend in the gift shop during our visit. Please ensure this is in a named purse or wallet. 
Please complete the form to give permission for your child to take part by Monday 20th January and make your payment onn SchoolMoney by Friday 14th February. 
If you have any questions then please let me know.
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