Thank you to everyone who completed our survey, regarding parent preference of our half termly newsletter. The response was overwhelmingly positive that parents do value this avenue of communication, so here we are with our first one of this year!

We have had a very busy term with lots of amazing opportunities for our children, community events and lots of lovely plans over the next few weeks to start the Christmas season.

I would also like to welcome our Maidensbridge Pre-school parents to our community; we are very proud to be able to offer provision now for 3 and 4 year olds and the children that have started with us have settled in brilliantly. A big well done to all of the staff who have transformed the environment, making it the perfect place to get ready for school.


We started the term with Year 6 attending a residential at Astley Burf. This was a fantastic experience for our oldest children as they developed their skills in climbing, archery, kayaking, paddle boarding, high ropes as well as just being away from home for 5 days! Behaviour was excellent and the children developed crucial life skills, learning to live with each other and they showed great independence and responsibility and care and kindness for each other. I was extremely proud of them all and it was a pleasure to be away with them for the week. It helped that the weather was amazing too! Definitely a great start to Year 6.

In October, we also sent our Year 4 children to Laches Wood for 2 nights to prepare them for being away for longer when they get to Year 6. They also developed skills in hammer throwing, archery, canoeing and much much more. Again, it is great to see our children facing a different challenge, outside of the classroom and we were all very proud of how they conducted themselves while away from home.

Children In Need

Thank you to everyone who donated to Children in Need. As a school we raised £175.70

We are an Asthma Friendly School

We are very proud to announce that we have been awarded the Asthma Friendly School Award. This involved us explaining how we manage Asthma in our school and our policies and procedures were looked at to ensure we do everything we can to keep children as safe as possible. It also looked at the training that staff have had in managing asthma related incidents. Thank you to Mrs Starkey for coordinating all of this for us and for being grilled by the assessor!

Remembrance Day

Thank you everyone who purchased poppy merchandise to raise money for the Poppy Appeal. We raised £412.35. Thank you so much for your support with this very important charity. Well done to our Charity Ambassadors who visited the classes every day to make sure all the children could buy the merchandise to support this important charity.

Our children were in a Remembrance assembly that featured our regular visitors from the church but also our very own resident soldier, Mr Paternotte our new site manager, who spoke to the children about his medals, his experiences serving for our country in many important conflicts, as well as the times he met The Queen at her annual garden party!

Anti-Bullying Workshop

We were visited by the Altru Drama Company to deliver an Anti-bullying assembly to all children in school and then delivered workshops to Year 4 and Year 5 children.

Our Anti-bullying Ambassadors are always working hard in school to prevent incidents and support children with their relationships with each other. They are also working on their community badge currently and are planning a trip with our Choir to our local care home to spread their positive messages.

Our Open Event

Thank you to all of the children who attended our open event and supported Maidensbridge so well. We had over 75 visitors, all interested in our school for their child in September 2025. We were all so proud of the children and we received lots of feedback from the visitors about how polite our children were and how knowledgeable they were about our school. A special thank you to our Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl who presented in front of a room full of adults confidently and clearly, with their speeches. Amazing resilience and confidence!


Thank you to the HSA team who have worked tirelessly, as always, this term to put on many events and occasions that have raised vital money for the children in our school. Our Bonfire Event was received with such warm and positive feedback from our community with over 1500 people coming together to share this event! The event has raised over £6,000 for Maidensbridge children, which is a fantastic success!

We have also had a group of children in Year 5, who decided they also wanted to contribute to the HSA pot of money for our children and they decided to make bookmarks, jewellery and other handmade gifts that they sold to other children in school at breaktime. This was a huge success and the children raised over £120. It makes us extremely proud that the children want to help school and their Maidensbridge family and have used their own ideas, time, commitment and resources to do this! Thank you girls!

The HSA would love to get to know more parents and their door is always open if you would like to get involved with some of the fundraising events. Our school survives on the goodwill and support of our volunteers and parents. Please email if you would like to know more about how to get involved and we will pass these on to the committee members of the HSA. 

Attendance is Vital!

Well done everyone who has attendance of 96% or above for this term, we will be looking for our 100% certificates over the next week to award in assembly before the end of term.

Just a reminder please that term-time holidays should not be booked and will not be authorised by school. As a 'good' school our attendance should really be above National at 97% however it is currently 94.8% this is largely due to holidays taken this term.


Can I please remind parents about maintaining our high expectations of uniform. Over the last few weeks we have seen trainers on non-PE days, shaved styles in to haircuts, bracelets and jewellery and non-Maidensbridge colours for hoodies and jumpers. We do not expect children to always be wearing uniform with the school logo, as we know this can get expensive but we do expect alternatives in the correct school colours and not expensive brands or sportswear that is not uniform. We are very fortunate to have a policy where the children can wear their Maidensbridge PE kit twice a week but we do expect that this is adhered to. We have so much lost property because children have not got their names in jumpers, hoodies and cardigans, please take the time to make sure your child has their name in their uniform and then we can get these back to you easily. If you would like to take a hoody or jumper for free from our lost property collection (they are mostly brand new) please come to the school office and ask for the size you need. The full uniform policy is available here.

Key Dates

  • Friday 13th December - HSA Christmas Disco
  • Tuesday 17th December - Reception and KS1 Nativity Performances
  • Wednesday 18th December - Reception and KS1 Nativity Performances
  • Thursday 19th December - Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day
  • Friday 20th December - KS2 Carols on the Playground @2.30pm. Last Day of Term.
  • Monday 6th January - return to school for everyone
  • Wednesday 8th January - HSA Meeting (all welcome)
  • Friday 10th January - Theatre Trip for Reception to Yr6
  • Monday 17th to 21st February - Half term
  • Friday 11th April - INSET day
  • Monday 21st July - INSET day

Safeguarding is Everyone's Responsibility

Please call: 0300 555 0050

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare please speak to a DSL in school, or call Children’s Social Care on the number above.

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