The End of Another School Year
As we approach the end of a very busy Summer Term and the end of another academic year, it is important to pause and celebrate all of our children's fantastic achievements. As well as the fantastic work that has been achieved by our community over the last few months!
A highlight for Maidensbridge was being part of the Wall heath and Kingswinford Coronation Parade on Sunday 7th May. It was amazing to see the community come together in their thousands for such a momentous occasion and our children and families playing such a huge part of History, as we celebrated our new King's coronation. Thank you to all of the children and families who played their part either on the Maidensbridge float, walking alongside the float, smiling and cheering in the crowd or by being part of other organisations such as the scouts etc.
We are very pleased to celebrate that we have achieved the Platinum Sports Award again for our commitment and dedication to sport and PE at Maidensbridge. These opportunities are important to us and we endeavour to give all of our children the opportunity to compete and experience a wide range of sporting opportunities.
Our reputation for sporting excellence brought the Dudley Association Football Finals back to Maidensbridge Primary for the first time since before the pandemic, and we were very excited to host 3 fantastic finals on Friday 23rd June. One of which saw our girls team, play against Priory in a brilliant game of heart and determination. Well done girls! They were also very excited about the visit from a Wolves 1st team player, Tammi George, organised by Mrs Nicholls.
King's Coronation Celebration

Toilet Update
Great news that our Year 5 and 6 toilets for children have been completely refurbed! This has been a goal of mine since becoming the Headteacher, 3 years ago, as the toilets in school have never been updated. With crucial help from the HSA, the toilets are complete and the children are loving them! This has definitely improved their wellbeing at school and we will now make plans for the next set of toilets to be refurbed in the same way, but we will continue to need your help with this! You can do this by all being at our Bonfire Event on Thursday 9th November! See you there!

Our Year 3 and 4 children represented school excellently at their first ever cricket event! With some fantastic skills on display from our very young team we achieved 4th place out of 9 teams and gave a tremendous fight for 3rd. It was so close! Well done everyone and thank you to parents for supporting us with transport and cheering us on!

Sponsored Walk
Well done to the House Captains for their amazing work; organising a sponsored walk for the whole school and raising over £3000 for playground equipment for the children. The House Captains have been in a meeting with a playground company and have looked at possibilities of what they can spend that money on to improve playtime and lunchtime for all.
Well done Jimmy, Ellie, Mason and Harry! Superstars!
Sports Day
Well done to the green team for a fantastically won Sports Day this year! The points were close but the other teams could not catch you up! Thank you to all the adults who came to watch and who made this such a special event for the children. I would also like to thank the HSA for their tireless efforts in fundraising for school and providing refreshments for everyone on a very hot day, while also trying to make sure they could see their own children compete. This isn't always easy but we really appreciate you! Thank you.
Pioneer Centre
Year 6 had a great time on residential at The Pioneer Centre. Behaviour was fantastic and we watched children grow in confdence and challenge themselves to take on new opportunities that they didn't think they could do. We are very proud of the resilience you showed to some very high challenges! Well done everyone.

Reception have had a great time over the last few weeks with the balance bikes. Balanceability teaches the children that all important first step of balancing before being able to cycle independently.
HSA Carnvial

Thank you to the HSA members for putting together our Summer Carnival event and to our community for buying tickets, wristbands, tombola tickets and many, many doughnuts!. It was fantastic to be able to show our school spirit to our local community and hopefully a good time was had by all. Despite the weather being a little grey, the children's smiling faces were certainly not dampened and they had a wonderful time. I know that this takes many months of hard work to put together but the money raised for the children is so crucial in the times we are in, to make sure we can continue with all the lovely extras that our children deserve.
We will let you know soon how much the HSA have raised from the event.
At the end of term, we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Mason, Miss Kidner and Miss Evans.
Mrs Mason has been at Maidensbridge for over 12 years and has worked tirelessly for our children, families and the community throughout that time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all of her hard work and commitment to this school and wish her lots of luck on her next adventure, as she takes up a promotion at another Dudley school.
Miss Kidner and Miss Evans are also not going too far away and have secured exciting new roles in two of our local secondary schools. Again, I thank them for their time, patience and care for our children while they have been here at Maidensbridge and wish them lots of luck for the future.
Opening Evening - Monday 24th July

Parents and carers are welcome to come to school on Monday 24th July, between 3:30 and 5:00 to look through your child's books and introduce yourselves to the next teacher. We have organised for a charity ice cream tricycle to be on the KS2 playground during this time. No ice cream or ice lolly is over £1; with all the profits raised being donated to The Mary Stevens Hospice.
Thank you for your support.
Year 6 Leavers

As we arrive at the end of another school year, we say goodbye and good luck to our Year 6 pupils. You have worked hard towards your SATs and achieved your very best in all that you do. I would like to wish you all the best for the future as you leave us and move to the next chapter of your education.
We look forward to welcoming our new Reception children in September as they start their exciting educational journey. All 30 places have been taken up and we are now 208 children in school, out of a possible 210 spaces.
Other news
It is with sad news that we share the passing of Mr Mike Caddick earlier this year. He has been a strong supporter of Maidensbridge over the years and was the previous Chair and supporter of the HSA. We wish his family well and thank him for his commitment to our school.
Can I please remind parents and carers to take extra care when driving and parking around the school site to avoid any potential accidents. Cars should not be parked on the corners of the roads for any length of time and shouldn't be blocking driveways. Can I also ask that parents do not drive down the school driveway; this is for staff vehicles, deliveries and disabled parking only. We will be shutting the driveway gates now so that only the pedestrian access can be used. This is only to make sure we can keep all children safe from the vehicles, please support us with this.
Date Reminders
- Thursday 13th and Friday 14th July - Y5/Y6 performance
- Thursday 20th July and Friday 21st July - children will visit their new classes
- Monday 24th July - reports sent home, book look and ice cream cart
- Tuesday 25th July - Y6 Leavers Assembly and school finishes at 1.30pm
- Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th September - INSET days