Dear Parents and Carers,

We are excited to inform you that we have arranged a trip to Little Owl Farm Park on Friday, 21st March, for Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 students. This trip will provide the children with a wonderful opportunity to explore the farm, observe animals up close, and engage in various hands-on learning experiences, all of which will link to our curriculum objectives.

The key details of the trip are as follows:
Date of Trip: Friday, 21st March
Drop off and pick up time from school: normal school times
Children require: To wear school uniform with farm appropriate footwear. Bring a packed lunch or pre-order a grab bag (instructions to follow for ordering a grab bag)
Cost of the trip: £20 per child (This includes transport, entrance fees, and the activities at the farm)
Payment method: Please make payment via the Arbor app by Wednesday 19th March.

As the trip is an important educational experience, we kindly ask for your consent in order for your child to participate. Without parental consent, children will not be able to attend the trip.

Curriculum Links:

Reception: The trip supports our Understanding the World and People and Communities learning objectives, where children will explore the natural world and learn about different animals.
Year 1: The farm visit ties into our Science curriculum, specifically Animals including Humans, where children will be able to classify different types of animals and discuss their needs for survival.
Year 2: This trip will enhance the children's understanding of Habitats and Living Things, supporting both our Science and Geography curriculum goals.
We are confident this trip will be an enjoyable and educational experience for all involved. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to a memorable day at Little Owl Farm Park!

Many Thanks
Miss Beaumont

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