Spring is in the air! The daffodils are here!

Here we are at the end of the Spring Term already! It is hard to believe that the children are two thirds of the way through their school year! It has been a short term but packed full of fun, opportunity and fantastic learning!
We have attended Gymnastics festivals and competitions, Cross Country, Indoor Athletics, Multi-Skills events, A Wolves Football Tournament, competed in Netball matches with schools across Dudley and our Girls Football Team are currently top of the league!
We have also taken part in the Dudley Maths Quiz, of which our Year 3 and 4 team are awaiting the final in June! The Dudley Book Quiz was also a fantastic challenge for our children and they prepared diligently by reading the books and preparing for the questions.
Maidensbridge children have also highlighted their fantastic musical ability this term, starting with our choir attending Young Voices 2024 and being part of a choir of 5000 children at The Resorts World Arena. They were amazing! Then we took part in the Dudley Harmony Event, where we sang virtually with Dudley Performing Arts and many, many schools to highlight the importance of singing to improve our mental health and make us feel good!
Happy Easter everyone, we wish you a happy holiday with family and friends and we will see you on Monday 8th April at 8.35am.

World Book Day 2024

As always, school was filled with many wonderful characters from books on our World Book Day last week. The children and staff all made a fantastic effort and it is always a lovely day in school where we remind children that reading is important but also lots of fun!
Thank you to all of you who visited the Book Fair too, as this money will allow us to purchase new books for the library.

The Life of our Head and Deputy Boys and Girls!
Being a junior leader at Maidensbridge comes with great responsibilities, privileges and honours. We are trusted to help Mrs Thomas around school. Back in September, we were chosen for these incredible positions. Our jobs include: talking in front the school in assembly; sorting out the schools Christmas cards; welcoming the parents into school events; giving ideas to improve school (for example re-lining the netball court, gym equipment and much more) and being an overall role model. As we come to two thirds of the way through the year, our ambitions are high, and we are ready to put any ideas (within sensible reason) into practise to the best of our ability. So, if your children have any ideas, please talk to us, so we can make this school better, together.
Parent's Evening Feedback
Thank you to the parents who completed our Parent View feedback forms at Parents Evening; we had 98 responses across school and well done to Reception with the most returned with 20 out of a possible 30! Thank you to everyone. I would like to share some of the headlines with you:
(% shows agree and strongly agree responses)
100% said that their child is taught well at Maidensbridge.
99% said my child enjoys school.
99% said that Maidensbridge keeps their child safe.
99% said that overall they are happy with their child's experience at Maidensbridge.
99% said that the school helps their child develop skills in communication, reading, writing and maths.
95% said that my child is making progress at Maidensbridge.
95% said that the school is well led and managed and ensures the best outcomes for my child.
94% said that the school informs me of my child's progress.
The responses that we would like to focus on as a school is 'My child learns about British Values at this school' and 'The school deals with any cases of bullying effectively.' Both of these had a lot of 'unsure' ticked. We will be sharing the details of our British Values curriculum with parents next term, as this appears to be an area that is maybe not as obvious to parents but is taught through RE, PSHE and our assembly programme.
The response about bullying was also mostly 'unsure' was ticked on the response sheet and some parents added that they didn't know because they had not experienced it. We will follow this up with our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in school next term and they will create a piece of work so that we can gain a clear picture of the parent view about bullying.
Helen's School of Dance

Well done to all of our super talented Maidensbridge dancing stars who took part in the Helen's School of Dance annual dance show at the Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton on Sunday 25th February. I was very proud to see so many of our children on that stage. Well done everyone!
Red Nose Day
Thank you to everyone for your support for Red Nose Day last week. We raised £165 for this worthy cause.

Can I please remind parents that we need to make sure that we keep all children as safe as possible when they are arriving and leaving school. These safety measures include pedestrians walking on the pathways provided not down the driveway which is for vehicles, no dogs on site and careful parking in our surrounding streets. Thank you for your support and helping us to avoid accidents.
A polite reminder from the office; can you please make sure you add the reason for your child's absence when leaving a voicemail so that this information can be added to the register. It is important we know more about their symptoms rather than just they feel unwell, as Public Health are tracking cases such as measles etc that are prevalent in the area. It also helps us to adjust the cleaning regime to tackle germs in school, if we have several children off with the same symptoms. Thank you.

During the Easter break, Miss Cleghorn will be getting married. Congratulations to the new Mrs Hallett.
We will also be welcoming back Mrs Nicholls from her maternity leave, who will be supporting Year 6 in the lead up to SATs and working across school on many exciting projects!
Date Reminders
22/3/24 Last Day of Term (3.15pm finish) and HSA Discos
09/04/24 HSA Meeting
02/05/24 Voting day - school closed to children
06/05/24 Bank Holiday Monday
03/06/24 Inset Day
19/06/24 Sports Day (reserve date 21/06/24)
Social Media - follow us on Instagram - scan the QR code

Please call: 0300 555 0050
If you are concerned about a child’s welfare please speak to a DSL in school, or call Children’s Social Care on the number above.