Welcome Back!
Welcome back to the Summer Term! We have so much to look forward to this term such as; residentials, performances, sports day and preparations for our children to move on to the next stage of their educational journey.
The HSA are also busily preparing a lovely summer event called 'Carnival' on Friday 1st July and we would love to see you all there.
As well as the fantastic celebrations we have planned, it is also a busy term for many children in school as we undertake the government testing that has been cancelled for the last two years. Year 2 and Year 6 will be taking their SATs tests this half term and thank you to all of the parents who attended our Parent Workshops for these tests. We also have Year 1 taking their phonics screening in June and Year 4 taking the Government's Times Table check. The children are ready for these and I am sure will tackle them with a smile.
Thank you from Age UK

A huge thank you to all of the children who created some fabulous Easter cards to support Age UK. I was very proud to receive a phone call from the lady who organises the friendship groups in care homes and she had seen the positive impact that these cards made on many seniors as she watched them open them and read the wonderfully warming messages that our children had written. She was very impressed with the art work of the younger children and the beautiful handwriting of our older children. I am so proud of you all!
The Green Team Challenge!

The Green Team have been very busy over the last half term putting together a competition entry for the BP Net Zero Challenge. The children put together an assembly for the children to explain about Net Zero and how we need to try and make sure that we are putting back in to the Earth, anything that we take from it. The Green Team then spoke to Mr Bott and Mrs Powell about different ways that we could use cleaner energy in school. They decided it would be a great idea if we could change our heating from gas to electricity and started to explore this option. They also would like to clean out our greenhouse and get that functional again with Miss Evans' help. They prepared their entry to the competition and sent this off at Easter, so hopefully we will hear whether they are successful in winning either £1000 or £3000!
Year 3 and 4 Easter Assembly
Thank you to everyone that came to see Year 3 and 4 in their Easter Assembly. I am sure you will all agree it was lovely to be able to come together and watch their performance.
Thank you to the HSA for supporting the event by selling raffle tickets to win Easter hampers.
Governor Visit Day

It was great to have our Governors in school last half term, visiting all of the classes and looking for challenge in our lessons. Governors described a calm, purposeful and hard working atmosphere around school where children were well behaved and were engaged in their learning and enjoying school. We would like to thank them for their time and support for Maidensbridge and it is lovely to have people in school again!
Jubilee Celebrations

As you all know, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service.
On Friday 27th May, school will celebrate the occasion with all children and staff having afternoon tea on the playground all together. Children will be encouraged to wear red, white and blue for the day with crowns that they will decorate themselves. There will be a choice of a 'crown' biscuit, chocolate cup cake or a vanilla sponge traybake.
School Website and App

We hope you have all had the opportunity to look at the new website and found the information valuable and relevant.
Useful hints and tips:
- Keep your eye on the news board feature, as any news updates will be added here.
- Everything your child will be learning across their year group is available to view by year and subject.
- The calendar is updated regularly to keep you informed of what is happening within school and your class, click to view the entry as important information can be listed here.
- Extra-curricular clubs are listed here for each term and how to book.
- The termly lunch menu is available to view.
- Once you are logged in on the app, you can view any messages and emails are sent to your email account. If you are logged into the desktop version of the website, you can view any messages and emails here also.
If you haven't yet set up your account, please call the School Office, where they will be happy to set up your user name and password.
Do you want to join Brownies?
Important Dates
Pioneer Residential | Monday 16th - Friday 20th May |
Half Term | Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June |
Inset Day | Monday 6th June |
Sports Day | Thursday 23rd June |
Last Day of Term | Thursday 21st July, 1:30pm finish (The bridge will be open until 2:30pm) |
Safeguarding is Everyone's Responsibility.
Please call: 0300 555 0050
If you are concerned about a child’s welfare please speak to a DSL in school, or call Children’s Social Care on the number above.