Support For Parents
NHS Pressures
Dudley Parents
The Dudley parents website is a free, easy to access support for Dudley parents/carers. It includes programmes to help you understand your child and parenting programmes for all ages, including ones that specialise in babies, anxiety, disabilities or conflict. It also includes healthy lifestyle programmes to support you and your child and resources to help people who are experiencing arguments. Take a look at some of the programmes below.
Five To Thrive
Five to Thrive is all about how simple, everyday interactions can make a big difference to children’s development. It is designed to help parents and carers to understand how relationships are really important to our wellbeing and can help build healthy brains in young children.
Triple P Parenting Programmes
Triple P is a parenting programme, but it doesn't tell you how to be a parent. It's more like a toolbox of ideas. You and your family choose the ideas you need. You decide the way you want to use them. It's all about making Triple P work for you. There are so many different types of Triple P and ways to do it.
What we have in Dudley:
You can get on and complete online on your own or with a friend/relative and get in touch if you get stuck with anything. Or you can complete the different programmes face to face or via Teams with support people. Some of the sessions are in a group and some done on an individual phone call.
- Triple P - For parents of children aged 18 months to 11 years. (8 sessions)
- Triple P TEEN - For parents of children aged 11-16. (8 sessions)
- Triple P Transitions - for parents who are no longer together with the other parent of their child, if you are struggling with stress, anger etc and coping with a separation/divorce. (5 session)
- Triple P Stepping Stones - For parents of a child with a disability aged 2 – 12. (9 sessions)
- Triple P Fear - less - for parents of a child aged 6 plus who suffers with anxiety. (6 sessions)
- Triple P for babies - For expecting parents or those with a baby up to one year old. (8 sessions)
Parents in Conflict
Whether you're parenting together or apart, you can download self-help books and complete a free online relationships course (for together couples), or Triple P transitions (for apart couples).
The Solihull Approach
The Solihull Approach ‘Understanding your child’ online course is a well-established and trusted way of understanding more about your child. Parents often say they feel calmer, more confident and have a better relationship with their child. The courses were developed in the NHS together with frontline practitioners from all sectors and with parents.
There are courses are for ALL parents-to-be, parents, grandparents or carers of any child from the antenatal period to age 18 years. You don’t need to be struggling. This course is relevant to parents of all children, including those with special needs, autism, ADHD etc.
Any costs mentioned within the information will not apply for Dudley residents. Please use the word CASTLE to access the courses free of charge.
There is a different course for a variety of needs. The following can be accessed:
- The antenatal course ‘Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby’; The postnatal course ‘Understanding your baby’
- Courses for parents ‘Understanding your child’ (0-19 years, main course)
- ‘Understanding your child with additional needs’ (0-19 years, main course) and short courses
- ‘Understanding your teenager’s brain’ and ‘Understanding your brain. For teenagers only!’
Healthy Dudley
The Healthy Dudley website provides free healthy lifestyle support for your family. Through this website you can arrange for free one-one support with a Dudley Family Wellness Coach who will help you and your kids eat well and move more.
The Healthy Dudley website provides help and guidance for fussy eaters, top tips for eating well on a budget and sign-posting for free active activities.
Local Family Hubs
The local family hubs aim to provide expectant parents and families with children up to the age of 18 with advice, practical support and information, as well as support from other parents.
They offer help to ensure babies, children and young people get the best start for life and meet their full potential.
The hubs provide a broad range of support services across the borough. These currently include:
- Midwives
- Health visiting
- Parenting and baby groups
- Baby Clinics
- Citizens advice
- Pre-natal support
- Signposting to services and groups
- Family support
- and much more
Happier Minds
Happier Minds can help you find the mental wellbeing information you need. It also provides information on how to get help urgently for people in crisis.
The website has 3 sections – for young people, parent carers and school-based professionals, all sections contain useful support and information.
The young people section for those aged 11yrs and over (secondary school and college), has video resources and useful contacts.
For parent/carers, there is information to help them to support your child and also resources to support their own mental wellbeing.
The professional section of the website has been designed for those working with young people in schools/colleges and provides useful information and resources.
SENDIASS provide legally based advice, information and support on all matters relating to Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities , including health and social care issues. There service is free, impartial and confidential.
The service is available to parents and carers of a child or young person with SEN or a disability, up to the age of 25 with or without an EHCP.
KOOTH - Online Counselling, advice and support service for young people
Dear Parents / Carers,
Commissioned by Clinical Commissioning Groups and the local authorities, is an online counselling, advice and support service for young people aged 10-18years within the local area. It provides a safe, secure means of accessing help via the internet from a professional team of counsellors. Whilst your child may not need or use the service, as part of supporting our students, we are ensuring all children and young people are aware of provisions in the area that could assist them, now or in the future.
Our qualified counsellors are online 365 days a year. Monday to Friday, from 12noon - 10pm and between 6pm - 10pm on weekends. Kooth has no waiting list or referral process. Children and young people can access support for ANY issue they may be experiencing. To access, young people simply register at
As well as chatting to our counsellors through a text-based service, young people can message the team 24 hours a day, access our fully-moderated support forums and discussion board, online magazine, self-care activities and other self-help tools.
Kooth’s Engagement Leads will be spending time delivering information sessions to pupils and staff in schools across Shropshire to explain about the features on our platform and the sign-up process too.
If you would like to ask any questions to a Kooth representative directly, please use the following email-
Thank you.
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