Our School Governors
Welcome to the Governors Section
The Governors at Maidensbridge Primary School play an important role at our school. The main role of a Governor is:
· They are guardians of the purpose and aims of the school, ensuring accountability, transparency and informed engagement;
· Ensure children receive their entitlement to high quality learning and care;
· Ensure that public money is spent in the best interests and needs of all pupils and reflects the school's priorities;
· On behalf of the community, they challenge and support the school.
Who are the Governors appointed by?
· Co-opted Governors are elected and appointed by the Governing Board.
· Parent Governors are elected by parents and appointed by the Governing Board.
· Staff Governors are elected by staff and appointed by the Governing Board
· Local Authority - LA nominate, Governing Board appoint
Meet Our Governors
We are very lucky to have a governing body that is made up of people with a wide range of experience and expertise. The Board of Governors helps to shape the policies of the school, ensure that statutory work is carried out, act as the critical friend and support the Headteacher to carry out the legal duties.
Currently, the governing body is made up of one staff member (plus the Headteacher), a building supplies manager, parents, local church representative, health service worker, teacher, HR Specialist and a retired School Business Manager.
The governors have voted to change the way we conduct our Board meetings and will introduce from September 2023 the Circle Model of governance. This will ensure all governors will have up to date information regarding the school enabling them to offer timely support and challenge. The Governing Board will work as a ‘whole team’ meeting every half term attending 6 meetings each academic year covering in turn Business & Operational issues and Strategic and Standards development.
The Governing Board may commission assignments or projects and delegate monitoring activities to ‘monitoring pairs’ or ‘individuals’ to ensure statutory functions and priorities identified in the School Improvement Plan are fulfilled, any ‘commissioned’ working groups will have Governing Board drafted agreed terms of reference. In each case, where a function has been delegated, there is a statutory duty to report any action o decision to the next meeting.
The Strategic & Standards meeting will concentrate on quality of education, pupil progress and attainment and governors will be able to request presentations on particular subjects or priorities, and link governors will be assigned to monitor subjects identified in School Improvement Plan as well as: Safeguarding, special educational needs (SEND) & pupil premium.
The Business & Operations will monitor the day to day running of the school, finance, resources, premises plus health & safety.
There is an established Pay Panel, and provision is also made for governors to form committees when they are needed to deal with Pupil Discipline and Exclusion, Barring of a Parent from the School Premises; Applications for Special Leave; Complaints; Grievances; Pay Review & Appeals; Staff Dismissal and the Headteacher's Performance Review.

Mrs Christine Quinton - Chair of Governors
I was initially elected as a parent governor 26 years ago when my 2 daughters attended Maidensbridge, and I am now a co-opted member of the Board serving as Chair since September 2016. Read more...

Mrs Katie Thomas - Headteacher
I am very proud to say that I am the Headteacher of Maidensbridge Primary School and therefore a Governor of our school. I started as the Headteacher in April 2020, when the school and the country was in lockdown. This was a challenging start to Headship and Governance, but we all persevered, supported each other and faced the many challenges together. Read more...

Mr Matthew Jones - Co-opted Governor
I was elected as a Co-opted Community Governor commencing in September 2015. I previously served on the Personnel Committee and now stand on the new committees and hold the position of Chair on the Curriculum & Standards Committee & joint Vice Chair of the Governing Board. I also sit on the Pay Committee and Finance & Resources Committee. Read more...

Mrs Debbie Green - Co-opted Governor
I have been a Governor at Maidensbridge since 2009. I started as a Parent Governor when my 3 children were attending the school and I am now a Community Governor. Read more...

Mrs Anna Stanley - Co-opted Governor
I was elected as a Parent Governor in September 2016 and served for four years before being recruited as a co-opted governor for a further term. I have an excellent attendance record at meetings and have attended various training sessions over the past few years to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to serve as a school governor. Read more...

Mrs Rebecca Churchman - Local Authority Governor
As a Mom with 2 young children I can fully relate to other parents and say “they are the centre of my world and I want nothing but the best for them”. Read more...

Mrs. Kelly Wheatley
As a parent of a child who currently attends Maidensbridge, I would like to give something back to the school community and feel privileged to recently be appointed as a co-opted governor. I look forward to supporting the school and hope that my skills and experience will add value to the governing body. Read more...

Mr Joe Hall
I am a Chartered Management Accountant with over 18 years experience. I am currently the Head of Finance for a large hospitality business based in the Midlands. More importantly however, I have over 13 years experience in Local Authority Finance having worked for both Sandwell and Walsall Local Authorities. Read more...
All Governors are members of the Full Governing Body Committee whom meet on a regular basis, they are also members of individual committees as listed below:
Governors who have resigned or terms of office have expired during the 3 years:
Mr Hywel Rees – Parent Governor appointed 27.9.2016 – September 2020
Mr Stephen Bibby – Local Authority Governor – appointed 24.10.19 – September 2020
Mrs Anna Stanley – Parent Governor – appointed 27.9.16 – September 2020
(Mrs A Stanley reappointed 8.10.20 as Co-opted governors)
Mr Richard Allen-Zoarder reappointed as Parent governor 16.11.21 - 06.02.23
Mrs Andrea Pryce - Parent Governor - appointed 01.05.2018 - 14.02.22
Mrs Sarah Mason - Staff Governor - appointed 05.10.18 - 04.10.22
Mrs R Kang - Parent Governor - appointed 01.02.22 - 06.02.23
Governor | Role | Term Dates | Core Group | Pay | Responsibility |
Mrs K Thomas | Headteacher | 20/04/20 - 19/04/24 | Y | N | |
Mrs C Quinton | Chair of Governors | 01/09/15 - 31/08/23 | Y | Y | SEN, H&S |
Mr M Jones | Co-opted Governor (Vice-Chair FGB) | 01/09/15 - 31/08/23 | Y | Y | RE, PP, Chair of Curriculum |
Mrs D Green | Co-opted Governor (Vice-Chair FGB) | 01/09/15 - 31/08/23 | Y | Y | SCR, Child Protection, Safeguarding, Chair of Finance |
Mrs A Stanley | Co-opted Governor | 28/09/16 - 08/10/24 | Y | N | |
Mr M Charlton | Community Governor | 28/09/16 - 27/09/24 | Y | N | PE & Sports Grant, H&S |
Mrs R Churchman | Local Authority Governor | 08/10/20-07/10/24 | Y | N | |
Mrs K Wheathley | Parent Governor | # | Y | N | # |
Miss J Cleghorn | Staff Governor | 04/10/22 | Y | N |
Governance Roles in other Education Institutions
Mrs R Churchman is a Governor with Hurst Hill Primary School.
To email our Chair of Governors please click on the link: CQuinton1@maidens.dudley.sch.uk